Way Too Busy – Season 2 Ep.12 | The Power of Groops with Bobbi Wegner
Bobbi Wegner Psy.D. is a Clinical Psychologist who teaches Industrial and Organizational Psychology at Harvard University. She is also the founder and CEO of Groops – a Group Connection platform used by organizations looking to improve the effectiveness of groups by improving communication and inclusion, strengthening relationships and enhancing trust.
Also check out Dr. Wegner’s TedX Talk: Feminist Boys are our Future Men: Changing the Culture of Sexual Violence from a Very Early Age – Clinical psychologist and Harvard Lecturer, Bobbi Wegner, Psy.D., explores the role our brain plays in unconsciously gendertyping women and how that feeds a culture of sexual violence and inequity. She offers 3 powerful pieces of practical advice on how to talk to children about this, changing the way men and women see each other from a very early age.
To find out more about Dr. Wegner, visit www.drbobbiwegner.com, and to learn more about Groops, visit www.joingroops.com.
Way Too Busy is brought to you by BillionMinds, a company which helps people embed the skills they need to thrive at unstructured ambiguous work in the context of their busy lives.